Cinnamon Fry Bread

     I have this big binder full of recipes just waiting to be made.  Quite a few of them have big smiley faces on them with scribbles about subs and tricks that made it work, a few have sad faces with notes about what went wrong, and thoughts to maybe make it better, and then there's a huge pile of them with no notes or smileys.  They look up at me every time I open that colorful binder of mine with hopes they'll be picked next.  For some strange reason, this recipe kept getting put back in it's folder with me saying, oh definitely next week.  I have a sneaking suspicion it had to do with whipping the egg whites.  Whipping egg whites is like my culinary nemesis.  I can whip them to beautiful peaks, hold the bowl upside down and not lose a drop.  Then, you have to add something to them.  This is where my recipe usually comes crashing to a screeching halt.
    Heavy hands, an improper silicone spatula, an unfancy pants mixer...  All the things I blame for not being able to conquer egg whites.  I'm positive it's me, but it doesn't stop me from every once in a while turning into Tawanda - wild woman of the kitchen - determined to whip some egg whites into something remotely resembling food.  If you've never seen the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, you probably don't get the whole Tawanda thing, but that's okay.  It's a great movie and you should take some time to watch it some day.

    Today I really wanted something different.  Through my big binder I went, and again held this one in my hand.  Just a few ingredients that I already had available, and pretty easy instructions, so I went for it.  I hesitated to put the full amount of cinnamon that the recipe called for, so I only put in a tablespoon's worth.  Then, like so many recipes that have come before it, I started to lightly blend in the dry ingredients.  My hopes flopped down just as fast as my egg whites did.  They had a slight fluff to them, so I decided to cook them anyway to see what would happen.  Lo and behold, they poofed up in the pan!  They flattened a bit as they cooled, but they were still pretty fantastic.  Sprinkled on some plain granulated erythitol, a bit of cinnamon, and tada!!  I had a successful batch of fry bread, first try!

    If you would like to give this recipe a try, please visit: Maria's Nutritious and Delicious Journal - Cinnamon Indian Fry Bread.  Enjoy!

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