Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hello out there!

    Trying out a new recipe is one of my favorite things to do.  There's a hint of excitement, a pinch of apprehension, a dash of bravery, and a pat of satisfaction from hopefully ending up with a completed dish- that did not completely fall apart, light the house on fire, burn out the blender, waste a ton of expensive ingredients, or in any other way be a complete flop.

    With tons of recipes floating around in the low-carb world, I've been very busy testing them out.  Some have been complete fabulous-ness on a plate, and others, well...  maybe not so much. 

   I'll be posting links to the recipes I've made, with pics of how it came out, as well as some dishes that I make here at home that are my originals.   I'm far from being that person that can tell you, "Oh sure you can use coconut flour at this ratio, or erythritol instead of ____, etc"  but if I subbed in a different ingredient and it worked, I'll let you know! 

  Low-carbing has been more about gaining health than losing weight, though the losing weight part has been great of course, but in no way am I a health expert, nor would I imagine doling out health advice.  I've read a lot of books and articles that I'll gladly pass along my recommendations for you to read as well, but it's up to you to make an informed decision.  To be honest, supplements and natural remedies have always been out of my comfort zone, but, I'm slowly peeking out from behind the door.

  Get your spatulas ready, or if you're like me, your plethora of tablespoons, and let's do some cooking!