Saturday, March 2, 2013

Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms

    So good I could put it on a bagel.  That used to be one of my measures of greatness.  Now it's more like wow, I could totally eat this with a spoon and a smile.  When I was making the filling for these delicious little gems, I blurted out, "Wow!  I could totally eat this on a bagel!"  Cue an awkward pause.  Even my inner low-carb conscience was not thinking an appropriate bagel look alike.  She was dreaming of slathering the filling on a giant carby toasted New York bagel.  Sesame bagel, to be precise. 

    Despite wanting to spread the filling on anything and everything, and eating a disturbing amount of it on a spoon (with a giant goofy smile), I did eventually manage to fill some mushroom caps with it.  A few less than the original 12 that the recipe said, but only because of my excessive need to keep tasting it. 

    The only thing I would add to this, and it's totally great without it, is maybe a teeny sprinkling of garlic powder.  I used regular yellow onions, but I think red onions or vidalias would be outrageously good also.

    I made them in my toaster oven, and they came out perfect!  I paired them up with some buffalo wings and had quite a tasty dinner.  I could totally see these being served to guests and being a part of the regular weekly dinner rotation.  Somehow I had the strength to put a few in the fridge, and they are great as a part of that cold leftovers breakfast we don't always admit to, but know we all have.

    If you would like the recipe for these fantastic mushrooms, click on the following link: Your Lighter Side - Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms